Monday, May 18, 2009

How to Get Taller - My Top Five Tips By Sam Bell

Having been a small guy all my life, I have often wondered how I can get taller.
How could I increase my height and feel more confident. I have done lots of research on the subject,
from the start I wanted to avoid pills and medications as 99.9% of them do not work. I wanted to get tall naturally and find a safe way to do it.
After A few days of research, I came to the conclusion that the best, safest and most proven way to increase my height would be stretching exercises. I know it sounds strange ''stretching exercises'' But lots of people have gained an inch or two just from correcting there posture and implementing special exercises.
These are my five top tips on how to get taller.
1# Cycling
Cycling is a fantastic way to lengthen your legs, all you have to do is raise the seat of the bicycle three to four inches higher than normal. It may seem Harder to ride in this manner at first but you soon adapt to it. I am sure this exercise was one of the Main reasons I managed to gain 2 inches in height last summer.
2# Swimming
Swimming is an excellent growth maximizing activity, when done in the right way. All you need to do is, swim a few lengths in your local pool using the breaststroke technique. The breaststroke technique is a well known swimming technique, that maximizes your total body length. Learn how to Master this stroke and you will notice results.
3# You're Wardrobe
What we wear can significantly affect the way in which other people view us. Our clothes can make us look tall and small, I used to make all the wrong mistakes. Anything that is baggy or to big makes us look smaller, the most important thing when wanting to come across taller is to have well fitted garments . Our shoes can also give us and inch or two in height this can actually make us seem taller than we are.
4# Posture
Most the time we sit with our backs hunched, when on the pc or sat on the couch watching TV. This can cause your spine to slump making you even smaller. Always try to sit and stand up straight with your shoulders back. You can add up to an inch just by correcting your posture. You also instantly look and feel taller when you do this.
5# Hair Style
Our hair styles also affect the way we look, Short hair is the way to go if you want to appear taller. Short hair can make you seem longer and taller as the space between you head and shoulders becomes more distinguishable.

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