Monday, May 25, 2009

Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - What Can I Do to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Bulge and Get Flat Abs?

If you are having trouble with belly fat then there are certain exercises that you can do to speed up the fat burning process. However even though there are effective exercises to perform, if you want to have a flat mid section as quick as ever you will need to pay close attention to your diet as well. Both diet and exercising goes line in line for rapid weight loss. Now below are some of the exercises that you can do to lose your belly fat fast.
Since weight loss is not subjected to once specific area of the body, you can do some aerobic to get your metabolism up to burn the excess fat. You can get up and jog in the mornings or you can simple follow your favorite exercise program on the fitness Chanel. Exercise does not have to be strenuous and exhausting, it just need to be effective.
The second exercise to lose belly fat would be to do some abdominal crunches. You will lay on your back with your feet at a 45 degree angle to the floor. This means your knee should be pointing to the ceiling with the sole of your feet on the ground. Once you are in this position, lift your upper body as close as possible towards your knee while keeping your bottom on the ground. You can interlock the palms of your hands behind your head for support on your next. Now return to resting position.If you are just starting out, you may do about 3 stets of 50 repetitions and then you can increase as your stamina builds up.
By Casey Gentles 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Easy Way To Start Losing Your Weight In Just A Few Weeks! A 5-Point Program!

However, you find that all the recommendations & prescriptions that you receive from your doctor and dietitian are not easy to follow.
This is when you look for easy-to-follow recommendations. This article provides you with some easy-to-follow guidelines.
Let us first understand, how does one become over-weight?
It is simple. Your belly is like a bank account.
If you keep on depositing more money on daily basis than what you withdraw on daily basis, you are going to have a fat bank account soon. If you continue doing that for weeks and months together, then you are going to have a very fat bank account in due course.
Your belly is exactly like your bank account.
You deposit fats in your belly on daily basis when you eat more fats & carbohydrates than what you use/withdraw on daily basis while doing physical activity.
So, in short, when you eat/drink more fats/carbohydrates on daily basis than what you use/withdraw on daily basis, you start developing a big belly and start putting on weight.
If you are overweight, it is very clear that you are eating more fats & carbohydrates on daily basis than what your body requires.
Are you serious about losing your weight?
If you are serious about losing weight, then let us come directly to the 5-POINT WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM without getting into complicated diets & exercises.
1. Have a HEAVY break-fast
2. Make your lunch MODERATE, if you are used to a heavy lunch
3. Make your dinner LIGHT. (Reduce all the current intake quantities by HALF, if you are serious about losing your weight.) - Eliminate potatoes, rice and high carbohydrate / fatty food from your dinner.
4. Do not eat in-between meals. Drink water if you feel hungry.
5. Walk for about 40 minutes at a stretch per day, for 5 days a week. (Try to walk as fast as you can, as long as you are comfortable at that speed.)
QUANTIFY YOUR INTAKE AND EAT CALCULATED QUANTITY IN EACH MEAL AND STICK TO THE QUANTITY. Do not eat something more than the daily intake quantity just because something tastes good or just because you are in a party mood. If you happen to eat more for a meal, then skip the next meal(s) or eat less to that extent in the next meal(s). Immediate corrective action is very important.
Eliminate (from your breakfast, lunch, dinner & in-betweens) or reduce intake quantity to very small amounts of the following, as these result in adding fats to your body:
1. French fries, potato chips, other fried food stuff
2. Butter & other high-fat food stuff
3. Cold drinks like Coke, Pepsi etc
4. Ice-creams, desserts and other sweet food items
5. Beer
In general, to remain healthy, eat and do everything in moderation. Any overeating or overdoing will result in some disease sooner or later.
Please note that you can reduce your weight only if you are serious about it. Nobody else can do anything to reduce your weight. Only, you can help yourself!!!
Keep record of your weight on weekly basis and enjoy the experience of losing almost one kilo / two pounds every 3-4 weeks. You and your partner will also start enjoying your more youthful look as you start steadily losing your weight in the coming weeks.
Disclaimer: If you are suffering from any ailments, please consult your physician before following these guidelines.
By M. Sagar 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rapid Weight Loss Program in 6 Easy Steps by sandy Miller

If you find yourself wanting to lose weight quickly for that high school reunion or beach vacation, there's nothing wrong with looking for the best rapid weight loss plan possible.  There are ways to find the most effective methods to melt pounds off and drop a pant size or two in no time flat.
Here are 5 proven tips to get you going in the right direction:
  1. Start Eating 6 Times A Day Instead of 3 - eat small meals spaced out every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and you'll jump-start your own rapid weight loss system.
  2.  Eat More Protein - choose quality proteins such as lean meat, chicken, fish, and soy burgers, and you'll ward off hunger much more effectively as well as recuperate much quicker after going to the gym or enjoying your daily walk.
  3. Drink A Lot Of Water -  recent studies have shown the 8 glasses of water requirement to be a myth. however, if you're losing weight, water helps flush all those nasty toxins out of your body, it also helps you keep your hunger under control, and by staying totally hydrated you'll have a much better sense of well-being.
  4. Don't Cheat At All With Your Diet- this will surely sabotage your rapid weight loss eating plan and prevent you from losing weight quickly.  If you want to cheat, do it every long now and then when you're dieting long term.
  5. Don't Go To Happy Hour With Your Friends - the last thing you need is alcohol in your diet; it'll make you hungry and prevent your body from burning fat stores for energy.
  6. Be Active - even if you walk only 10 minutes a day , it's better than sitting on the couch while watching West African Idols   

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to Lose Fat Fast - Here Are the Secrets You Need to Shed the Excess Pound & Have a Healthy Life

If you have a busy schedule everyday then you may be looking for methods to get more done in the little time that you have. Losing fat may also be a top concern of yours. With so many diet pills and so called weight loss programs all over the place it can get even more frustrating to chose a product that will help you to lose fat fast. So is there really a secret to shed the excess pounds? Continue reading below to find some stunning tips on you to trim fat like crazy.
Tip #1- It is very important to pay close attention to your diet. You must watch what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat. You will have to stop eating foods that are no healthy for you. Some of these include too much sugars, white flour products and products that are rich in fats. Start to consume more fruits and vegetables and eat more whole wheat products and foods that are rich in fiber.
You see proper dieting is one of the best ways to regulate your metabolism to burn fat fast. That is why it is also important that you regulate how often you eat. Is better for you to eat 5-6 small meals rather that 3 large chunks. Eating slower at meals also help you to lose fat believe it or not. The reason for that is because when you eat, your brain takes several minutes after to register that you are full. Therefore eating slower will prevent you from over eating.
Tip #2- Do fat burning exercises
It is a fact that exercising will speed up your metabolism and allow you to burn fat much faster than if you were to diet alone. Therefore it is important to get at least 35-45 minutes worth of exercising at least 3- 5 times per week. Note this does not have to be strenuous workouts. As a matter of fact you can just do some jogging or walking or you can even follow your favorite exercise program on the Fitness Channel.
By Casey Gentles.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Depression and Nutrition

I am making this post on this day because it is my former senior prefect in high school birthday and you will understand why this is the title I am using and also because I like food but I am also concerned about my health, the wonderful ways to be stress-free:
Depression and Nutrition:
We have all had days where we do not feel like getting out of bed, going anywhere or doing anything. We all get sad and depressed once in a while whether it's due to weather changes or something that may have happened in our life. Most of us usually get over these times within a few days or weeks. Some people though, suffer from more serious depression. They may never feel like getting out of bed or doing anything every day. Most of us have seen commercials advertising different medicines people can take for depression and what signs to look for and maybe even who to talk to. It is important for all of us to eat a balanced diet, but it is important for people who may suffer from depression to know what kinds of foods may help them to feel better and also what foods to limit or avoid. This way even people that suffer from depression can help themselves to feel better and to be happier throughout their lifetime.
Exercising daily and being exposed to sunlight around the middle of the day can help the symptoms of seasonal affective Disorder (a form of depression) according to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health. For this type of depression it may also be helpful to eat omega 3 fatty acids and get more vitamin D. These have been shown to help reduce these symptoms according to Dr. Jonathan Prousky who is the chief naturopathic medical officer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.
Foods such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines may help reduce the risk of depression or the reoccurrence of some depression symptoms. Also in the dark months of winter foods such as: brightly colored fruits and leafy green vegetables can benefit people with seasonal affective disorder or SAD. It may also be helpful to limit foods such as junk food, coffee and alcohol during these times of year. 
If a person skips meals, have a poor appetite and desire sweets may feel depressed more often. Also, people that eat diets low in carbohydrates also seem to be depressed more often. Depression can also be linked to the lack of certain vitamins such as: B and B6 vitamins. A lack of folic acid may also cause a change in personality and depression.
It is important to limit or avoid foods such as: sugar, sugary foods and caffeine. Diets rich in foods including: fruits, whole grain carbohydrates, lean protein, leafy greens, bananas, avocados and chicken may help with depression. If there are still concerns about the proper diet, asking a doctor is recommended. 
We have always heard that eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly would help our bodies to not only feel better but our minds and moods as well. For people with depression problems, this may be more helpful than some of us may have thought. So it is important to not only eat right for our bodies but also for our overall moods as well. This way we can be healthy and happy way into the future.
By Steven 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Depression Fighting Supplements - Natural Diets to Reduce Depression Symptoms

Almost every person on earth has some kind of depression in his life. There are many situations in life when we feel a lot depressed and that is completely normal. There are times when we are not able to achieve our goals or we regret about something. Similarly there are many other occasions when we feel depressed. In this article, we are going to discuss about the natural diets and supplements to reduce depression symptoms.
Anti-Depression supplements can help you a lot in life during the various situations which affect your mood a lot. There are many people who feel depressed for most of the time. That is not normal at all. If you are like that, you need to use some good natural supplements or diets to fight the depression symptoms. These can be very helpful and can help you fight the physiological problems associated with it.
Here are a few supplements or natural diets which can help you a lot:
1. Acai Berry Supplements - This is a wonder fruit which comes from forests in Brazil and other countries in the Americas. It is very helpful to fight the mood swings naturally without any side effects. These also enhance the energy levels in your body.
2. SamE tablets - This is another good method to reduce the depression.
3. Fish oils are known to provide a lot of relief to the patients suffering from depression.
4. Maca is another great supplement found in South America which is very useful to fight the depression naturally without any side effect and with long lasting changes.
By Burns 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Do You Treat Depression Naturally?

I am posting this because I like natural cure to any problem, usually it is without side effects and works to guarantee best and lasting solution...
With the major side effects that people are experiencing from drugs many are wondering how do you treat depression naturally? Antidepressants come with some very heavy side effects. One of the common complaints about antidepressants is weight gain; it is not uncommon to gain more than 30 pounds while taking certain antidepressants. Many people accept this as one of the trade-offs to balancing their mental health.
When asking how to treat depression naturally it is important to remember that science is showing that this can be done. Scientific studies are showing that you can learn certain techniques that can treat depression without taking any medication. Techniques are available that can deactivate a depressive thought from taking you down the road to full depression. The depressed person can have a depressive thought that will spiral them down a road to a deeper and deeper depression. Once you learn the techniques to stop this you will be able to control the depression before it causes a deep depression.
This is the best way to treat depression; it is a stopping or deactivating of the depression thought before it can drag you down into a full-blown depressive state. Healthy people get depressed but rebound out of the depression where as the clinically depressed person will continue into a deeper depression within their thoughts.
There is a new technique that has been stopping depressive thoughts from going into a full depression. It involves no doctors or medications. The depressed person heals alone as they practice the techniques. It is a deactivating of the depressive thought combined with a refill technique that balances the depressed person back to a normal condition. It is an inside out technique that has been helping teens and adults stop depression thoughts.
By Collin 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Natural Depression Treatments and a Path of Discovery

Natural Depression Treatments are much more prominent than we are lead to believe. The pharamaceutical companies have completely dominated the Medical and Health fields especially in regards to Mental health.
These companies want you to quite literally buy into the system. They don't want you to heal and get better, NO! Their system is designed to be a "bain-aid" solution. They don't want to actually cure you of anything. Medications are simply designed to deal with the symptoms of ailments, not the actual ailments themselves.
This way, you are constantly funneling cash flow into the company's pockets. If they designed a medication that cured Depression, Anxiety and other Mental Health "issues" then you would take the medication for a specific duration of time and be done with it drastically decreasing the revenues to these conglomerates.
Curing Mental health issues is bad business. What is the driving force behind pharmaceutical companies? Creating healthy and happy people or posting positive revenue to their stock holders?
Yoga, Meditation and other "Alternative" Therapies have been around for thousands of years. What did people of Ancient times do when experiencing anxiety and depression? Did they go to the local Pharmacy and buy a medication? No, they meditated and did yoga amongst other things. They apparently did well, otherwise we wouldn't be here!
Of course some therapies that are considered traditional are beneficial to people. It really depends on who you are and what you want to accomplish. Everyone is different and what makes sense for one person doesn't necessarily automatically make sense for the next guy. As always, make an informed decision from reading as much information as you can and then take action. Taking action is one of the most challenging things to do for someone who is Depressed, but it is exactly what one needs to do in order to overcome Depression!
There are definitely Natural Depression Treatments. All is takes is to do some research in order to find them.
By Eric 

Feel Better About Life - How To Deal With Depression and Anxiety

I know why you're here. You're hoping (though probably not expecting) to find some inspiration. You need a spark, something to put some fire back into you, because right now, emotionally, and mentally, you feel pretty tired of life. You're not a quitter though. I know this, because you're here. You're looking for a solution.
Four Points - One Goal This is no ordinary Compass
Below are the four points that dragged me out of the vacuum, and pushed my life in a NEW direction entirely. They are the BIG ONES. So, firstly, suspend disbelief. Just try them. Even if you try nothing else on this page, try these four things. What have you got to lose? They will make it easier to deal with life. Further down, you'll find some smaller things to do help make you feel better, most of which you may well consider meaningless - you'll be correct, they don't mean anything. But NONE of them are pointless. In fact, the aim is the same with all of them: to make YOU feel BETTER about LIFE!
DON'Ts and DO's: The Four Points of 'The Compass'
DON'T EXPECT anything from life
I know it may be a hard concept to get your head around, but you need to accept this as your truth. It may seem like a pessimistic view, but actually it's more of a pragmatic one. Expectation is the true source of disappointment. If you remove expectation, or can at least learn to manage your expectations, disappointment essentially evaporates. Remember, Life doesn't owe you anything, so expect nothing. Treat everything that you get out of Life as a bonus, because Life could easily give you far less.
DON'T try to assign any meaning to life
Assume that there is no meaning. OK, so your first reaction to that statement may be to perceive it as "negative", but actually, when you assume there is no meaning, it liberates you from the search for meaning. The futile search becomes completely irrelevant to you. You will no longer keep asking "WHY?", because you realize THERE IS NO "WHY?". Once you get your head around this, the energy you wasted searching fruitlessly for "the meaning of life" will be diverted to more useful and practical endeavors that contribute to enhancing your life in a more satisfactory way. Instead of looking for meaning, look for enjoyment. Find as many ways as possible to change your world and make it a more pleasant place to be.
DO make DIFFERENT decisions
If you think that most of the decisions you ever made were the wrong ones, then consciously set out to make different ones. From here on out, every time you have a decision to make, consider what you would normally do - what's within your normal p
I know why you're here. You're hoping (though probably not expecting) to find some inspiration. You need a spark, something to put some fire back into you, because right now, emotionally, and mentally, you feel pretty tired of life. You're not a quitter though. I know this, because you're here. You're looking for a solution.
Four Points - One Goal This is no ordinary Compass
Below are the four points that dragged me out of the vacuum, and pushed my life in a NEW direction entirely. They are the BIG ONES. So, firstly, suspend disbelief. Just try them. Even if you try nothing else on this page, try these four things. What have you got to lose? They will make it easier to deal with life. Further down, you'll find some smaller things to do help make you feel better, most of which you may well consider meaningless - you'll be correct, they don't mean anything. But NONE of them are pointless. In fact, the aim is the same with all of them: to make YOU feel BETTER about LIFE!
DON'Ts and DO's: The Four Points of 'The Compass'
DON'T EXPECT anything from life
I know it may be a hard concept to get your head around, but you need to accept this as your truth. It may seem like a pessimistic view, but actually it's more of a pragmatic one. Expectation is the true source of disappointment. If you remove expectation, or can at least learn to manage your expectations, disappointment essentially evaporates. Remember, Life doesn't owe you anything, so expect nothing. Treat everything that you get out of Life as a bonus, because Life could easily give you far less.
DON'T try to assign any meaning to life
Assume that there is no meaning. OK, so your first reaction to that statement may be to perceive it as "negative", but actually, when you assume there is no meaning, it liberates you from the search for meaning. The futile search becomes completely irrelevant to you. You will no longer keep asking "WHY?", because you realize THERE IS NO "WHY?". Once you get your head around this, the energy you wasted searching fruitlessly for "the meaning of life" will be diverted to more useful and practical endeavors that contribute to enhancing your life in a more satisfactory way. Instead of looking for meaning, look for enjoyment. Find as many ways as possible to change your world and make it a more pleasant place to be.
DO make DIFFERENT decisions
If you think that most of the decisions you ever made were the wrong ones, then consciously set out to make different ones. From here on out, every time you have a decision to make, consider what you would normally do - what's within your normal pattern of behavior, then CHOOSE AN ALTERNATIVE.
DO PRAISE yourself
Give yourself credit when you do something positive. Found a better job? Got a pay rise? Wrote a great essay? Created something that you're proud of? Did you try something you wouldn't have tried before? Did you help someone today? Tell yourself how AWESOME YOU ARE for doing it! It's not as narcissistic as it sounds. Just REMEMBER to give yourself a pat on the back every once in a while.
So those are the BIG ones. I say BIG because I believe they're the most difficult to do and adhere to. As I said above, if you don't try anything else on this page, you should at the very least try these. I cannot stress enough the importance of these Compass Points. Combined, they really will send you in a new direction!
attern of behavior, then CHOOSE AN ALTERNATIVE.
DO PRAISE yourself
Give yourself credit when you do something positive. Found a better job? Got a pay rise? Wrote a great essay? Created something that you're proud of? Did you try something you wouldn't have tried before? Did you help someone today? Tell yourself how AWESOME YOU ARE for doing it! It's not as narcissistic as it sounds. Just REMEMBER to give yourself a pat on the back every once in a while.
So those are the BIG ones. I say BIG because I believe they're the most difficult to do and adhere to. As I said above, if you don't try anything else on this page, you should at the very least try these. I cannot stress enough the importance of these Compass Points. Combined, they really will send you in a new direction!

How to be TALLER!!!

Here are some excellent tips to get taller and gain height that you can start practicing immediately:
1) For your body and bones to grow you require a special hormone called the human growth hormone. Secretion of this hormone is done by the pituitary glands. By doing high intensity exercises like resistance training and high speed sprinting you can enhance the supply of growth hormone.
2) Do you know that your body needs rest and sleep to grow well? In fact maximum growth happens when you sleep. Hence make sure you sleep for 8 to 9 hours every day. This will ensure that you grow taller and increase height.
3) Regularly practice exercises that help in correcting your posture. This will help in making your spine linear and thus add to your height. Many people don't know that you can actually add a few inches with this technique.
4) Make sure your bones grow stronger and elongate properly by having milk products and calcium supplements. Calcium is one of the key ingredients for strong and long bones.
5) Avoid obesity at any cost. There is a tendency in growing boys and girls to live on fast food, chips and soda. This makes you put on excess weight that actually compresses your bones and inhibits the opportunity to gain height.
These tips to grow taller and gain height will help you get started. If you want to make this a foolproof process then you require a complete solution.

Workouts For Brides to Get in Shape

I don't know about you but I think all brides will want to be in amazing shape on her wedding day, hence the purpose of this post:
Workouts For Brides to Get in Shape
What are you waiting for Bride??
Your wedding is coming up and you have to look your best!
Workouts for Brides should be quick and easy to do. But they must also be very effective at losing fat and toning the body with lean and sexy muscles. These Workouts for Brides will help the Bride get into the best shape of her life.
Creating workouts is a science. There are reasons why you should perform a certain amount of reps, sets, why certain exercises are paired together, how much rest between sets, etc. But if you have an effective workout for brides, results are guaranteed.
Guidelines for Workouts for Brides
• 3 weight-training workouts per week: weight training is the best way to get tight and toned.
• Start with full body workouts: 1 exercise per body part
• It has to burn: try 30 repetitions for each exercise
• Minimal rest between sets: 30-60seconds
• Follow each weight-training workout with 20 minutes of interval cardio
Workout for Brides
Try this workout 3 times per week for 1 week. You can not do this workout any longer because you won't continue to see results. This is just a sample workout, but it will give you an idea of what workouts for brides should look like. It will also show you how simple it is. If you would just commit to 3-4 days of exercise, you will be super fit for your wedding.
A1. 30 Dumbbell Squats
A2. 30 Push-ups
A3. 30 Stability Ball Leg Curls
A4. 30 Dumbbell Rows
A5. 30 Dumbbell Shoulder Presses
30 seconds Jump Roping, 30 seconds Rest & Repeat 2 more times
You will see incredible results if you do these Workouts for Brides as well as a great Diet for Brides.
Here are a few tips for a Diet for Brides
Eat a Buff Bride Meal every 3-4 hours.
A Buff Bride Meal includes:
Lean Protein
Starchy Carb
Fibrouse Vegetable
Cut out sugar, processed foods, and sodium.
Plan & Pre-cook buff bride meals in order to have them available.
 By Marie Diaz

How to Really Get That Flat Stomach

Misconceptions and Myths
The first hurdle one must overcome when setting out to achieve a flat and firm mid section are the misconceptions and myths surrounding this area.
First and foremost to achieve a flat and toned stomach you must reduce the body fat covering the abdominal region. Spot reduction (reducing fat only in a particular area) is a myth. Generally speaking fat loss will occur on an all over body basis. Fat loss cannot be reduced in a particular area by just exercising the muscles in that region.
Secondly and perhaps related to the previous point, you do not perform abdominal exercises as the exclusive part of your training program to achieve results. Yes, you may be toning that muscle -which is important - but it is of little value with a large amount of body fat coving these muscles and limiting their usage. The main offender for promoting this misconception are the retailers which only focus on the trunk flexion movement - which produces muscular contraction in the rectus abdominis - and if this is done exclusively as your core training program it may produce injury due to a muscular imbalance.
Structure of the Core
An understanding of the structure of the mid section is required if you are looking to perform exercises in a suitable manner, without the risk of injury. There are four areas of focus.
The rectus abdominis is the most commonly thought of muscle in the core region, and often referred to as the six pack. This muscle is located at the front of the abdominal musculature, and performs the trunk flexion movement.
The oblique muscles play an important role in processing everyday and sporting movement. The obliques consist of the outer and inner layer of muscle performing rotation, lateral flexion and stabilisation.
Transverse abdominis is possibly the most important muscle in the mid section. Transverse abdominis produces stabilization of the mid section (an isometric muscle contraction - muscle contracts but does not lengthen or shorten) which is a vital role. If this was not in place we would be unable to sit erect, let alone produce movement.
The lower and central back is an area often forgotten in core exercise program prescription (especially in the gimmicks previously mentioned). This region consists of the lumbar spine and erector spinae muscles. If these muscles are not exercised due to too much focus on other areas there is a high chance of injury due to muscular imbalance.
The absolute bottom line is that there are no short cuts involved in achieving a lean and toned mid section. There are many gimmicks offering solutions, however they produce little to no results. Quite simply to achieve results with you training; you must do what's required.
By Gavin Stone 

Walk to Stay Fit

Walking is one of the easiest and most natural forms of exercise, which requires no coaching, nether practice. Anyone with healthy pair of legs can easily do it. In addition, it is safe, and can be done in almost any weather. There are multiple advantages of walking. Some of them are given below:
• Reduces cholesterol level
Regular walking helps you lower cholesterol levels, which can have an adverse effect on your heart. Also, it helps you lower blood pressure and enables you to manage it.

• Reduces risk of developing Diabetes
You can minimize the risk of developing diabetes as walking enables your body to lower blood sugar level and reduce the risk of developing heart problems. Walking is also beneficial for those, who already have diabetes.

• Helps in Weight Loss
You can control your weight gain if you walk regularly. If you walk 10,000 steps everyday, you can reduce more body fat levels as compared to other people in your age group, who are less active.

• Minimizes stress, boosts endurance
Regular walks helps you stay away from stress, depression, and anxiety. In addition, it enhances your physical strength and stamina. It also boosts your immunity system and helps you fight infections.

Here are few tips for walking
You should follow certain tips to enjoy maximum benefits of walking. Here are some of them:

• Wear comfortable shoes and use cotton socks to keep your feet ventilated..
• Wear loose, cotton clothing and dress as per weather conditions. If walking at night, or early in the day, wear dark colored clothes so that motorists can easily trace you.
• Perform some warm-up sessions before you start walking as it reduces the risk of muscular injury.

Remember, walking offers you numerous health benefits and is one of the most simple and easiest exercises. You just need to stay motivated and follow the tips described here to derive maximum health benefits.
By Jenny. 

Fitness - A Simple Solution For All Ages

My pediatrician is from the "old school" direct from Moscow. The reason we chose here is because of her holistic approach. Our kids have been on antibiotics twice in their 10 years of life (one is 4 and the other is 6). In our few conversations we always get to talking about lifestyle and fitness. One time she mentioned that families in Russia are starting to keep exercise apparatus in their homes. While this isn't unusual, what is unusual is where they keep it.
The latest trend is to keep the equipment where you live. In your living room or den. This way you just jump on the equipment (trampoline, gymnastic rings, low balance beam, pull up bar, etc.) whenever you get the urge. I though it interesting because it places a "matter of fact importance" on training rather than the ritualistic life style change we put on it normally.
We go to the gym, we go to the dojo. We have set side time and ritual for our bodies instead of letting exercise and health naturally into our lives, where we live.
This brought me to the following idea for my kids:basic fitness starts at home.
It doesn't have to be difficult or hard, just exists. The following routine is to be done whenever you feel the urge. Post it around the house and just drop into it whenever you feel the urge.
Don't worry about sets, time or anything. Just do it. This is a simple physical training circuit that we put together for kids ages 7 and up but it works for everyone. I do it.
The purpose was two fold. First, hit the core body strength and second to start instilling some good exercise habits. I should take them no more that 5 to 10 minutes. Form is better than quantity and they should be able to finish with little difficulty before moving to phase 2. Where we just change up the exercises.
PT for Kids ages 7 and up PHASE 1
- 20 Side Twists
- 5 Four-Count Forward and Back (Good Mornings)
- 100 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Judo (Hindu) Push Ups
- 30 Squats
- 40 Sit Ups
- 20 Push Ups

Whenever you feel the urge (post it next to the TV or computer).
Outside play for 20 minutes 2 to 3 times per week no matter what the weather. Don't dread doing something you should naturally want to do. We are all physical beings. Our bodies WANT this.
By Damian 

Maximize Time and Effort - The Effective Approach to Fitness

How to Maximize
Many trainers and fitness buffs will lift heavy weights then take long rests between sets. The theory is that the heavier the weight, the more muscle bulk will develop. And the longer the rest, the more repair has occurred to muscle tissue, which allows you to lift more in the next few sets. These extra reps and sets are thought to help burn more calories. Sounds good.
The problem is that this old-school method of weight training does not help cardiovascular health. There is very little benefit to lung and heart power. So now you will have to run the treadmill for those results. And this wastes time. And time is money, especially when paying a trainer!
Quality personal trainers will put into practice cutting edge methods of combining cardio, strength and flexibility training into single sessions while keeping the heart rate at optimal levels. I recommend wearing a heart rate monitor during the entire session, even when lifting weights. Why?
Because the best way to maximize time, energy and results is to work muscles, heart rate and lung capacity at the same time. In this way, you are not just resting for a few minutes to be able to do an additional rep of a weight set. On the contrary, it is your personal heart rate that dictates when to rest and when to begin again. And that time changes as your fitness level changes.
The goal of the workout is to give individual muscles a chance to rest while maintaining a consistently high heart rate. You will rest when your heart rate reaches 160 and then start up again when your heart rate drops to 130. (This varies per individual but is a good rule of thumb). This way your heart pumps more blood, you burn more calories through intensity, develop more endurance and leaner muscles.
A Streamlined Approach
When training a client, I will warm them up for 10 minutes on the elliptical cross trainer or stair master. To maximize time (to save them money and get the most out of each minute), I will review their personal nutritional journal with them during this period. We discuss diet, food combining, and ways to streamline their food habits for better results.
Next, I work them out for 45 minutes. To maximize results by controlling time, I pair up a machine and a manual exercise, like leg presses and dumbbell bicep curls. This method allows them to remain close to the machine and not "lose it" when the gym is crowded. I usually will have clients do three sets of each exercise and then move on to something else, like crunches and shoulder presses or leg curls and triceps extensions. In this way, one muscle rests while the other works. More importantly, the one thing that stays consistent during the exercise "switch" is the client's heart rate!
The workout is 55 minutes long. With a heart rate elevated for that period of time through resistance training, you receive cardiovascular benefit, strength, muscular endurance, toning and sculpting. It's also the biggest bang for your buck for anyone paying $65 or more per hour for a trainer.
The last 15 minutes of the session focuses on cooling down while stretching. Keeping muscles lean and limber is a huge part of health and wellness that is often neglected. It shouldn't be.
Cross Training Is Key
Aside from circuit training, cross training is essential for overall fitness. I generally advise clients not to do the same type of exercise two days in a row, and to always mix things up.
I suggest things like weights and body-weight resistance training one day, biking or running the next day, and Bikram hot yoga or Pilates on another day. The idea is to keep the body guessing by putting the primary strain on different muscles in different ways each training day. These different strains place different emphasis and requirements on the heart, lungs and muscle fibers, as isometric yoga training is different than range of motion weight lifting or martial art training.
In the end, the objective of any fitness program is to maximize effort and results while keeping a lid on time and money. The way to do this is by using a heart rate monitor, not resting between sets, using circuit training and mixing things up with cross training. Good luck
By Passeto 

How to Get Taller - My Top Five Tips By Sam Bell

Having been a small guy all my life, I have often wondered how I can get taller.
How could I increase my height and feel more confident. I have done lots of research on the subject,
from the start I wanted to avoid pills and medications as 99.9% of them do not work. I wanted to get tall naturally and find a safe way to do it.
After A few days of research, I came to the conclusion that the best, safest and most proven way to increase my height would be stretching exercises. I know it sounds strange ''stretching exercises'' But lots of people have gained an inch or two just from correcting there posture and implementing special exercises.
These are my five top tips on how to get taller.
1# Cycling
Cycling is a fantastic way to lengthen your legs, all you have to do is raise the seat of the bicycle three to four inches higher than normal. It may seem Harder to ride in this manner at first but you soon adapt to it. I am sure this exercise was one of the Main reasons I managed to gain 2 inches in height last summer.
2# Swimming
Swimming is an excellent growth maximizing activity, when done in the right way. All you need to do is, swim a few lengths in your local pool using the breaststroke technique. The breaststroke technique is a well known swimming technique, that maximizes your total body length. Learn how to Master this stroke and you will notice results.
3# You're Wardrobe
What we wear can significantly affect the way in which other people view us. Our clothes can make us look tall and small, I used to make all the wrong mistakes. Anything that is baggy or to big makes us look smaller, the most important thing when wanting to come across taller is to have well fitted garments . Our shoes can also give us and inch or two in height this can actually make us seem taller than we are.
4# Posture
Most the time we sit with our backs hunched, when on the pc or sat on the couch watching TV. This can cause your spine to slump making you even smaller. Always try to sit and stand up straight with your shoulders back. You can add up to an inch just by correcting your posture. You also instantly look and feel taller when you do this.
5# Hair Style
Our hair styles also affect the way we look, Short hair is the way to go if you want to appear taller. Short hair can make you seem longer and taller as the space between you head and shoulders becomes more distinguishable.

Would You Like to Have a Fit Body? How Do You Get a Perfect Fit Body?

Would you like to have toned thighs and legs, defined arms and shoulders, and six-pack abs? Most of us would love to have that perfect fit body. But how do you get one? Well, it requires work and a major lifestyle change for those of us who are not currently involved in an exercise program. The basic ingredients of a fit body include:
1 - A healthy diet. You cannot have a toned, fit body and continue to drink soda and eat potato chips. You must drink a lot of water and eat fruits and vegetables regularly. You also need protein, which can be found in yogurt, lean meats, and legumes.
2 - Cardiovascular exercise. This is one of the most important aspects of getting into shape. Cardiovascular exercise not only burns calories, but also exercises the heart. If you are new to exercise and are trying to lose weight as well as get in shape, cardiovascular exercise may be more important than if you are just trying to tone up. You burn calories and fat during these workouts, which helps you to lose weight. Either way, however, cardiovascular workouts can help you obtain a physically fit figure.
3 - Weight lifting. Everyone who is involved in a diet and exercise program should be lifting weights. Even if you are just trying to lose weight and are not interested in having a fitness body, you need to lift weights. Weight lifting will increase your resting metabolism so you will lose weight faster. Also, weight lifting is the only way to get strong, defined muscles. Don't worry women, you will not look like men if you lift weights. You will look toned, firm, and fit.
By Kwong 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 Symptoms of Major Depression

How does major depression differ from depression? Major depression is classified as a person having 5 or more symptoms of depression in 2 weeks. This is accompanied by changes in sleeping or eating habits. For the three symptoms read further.
If symptoms are exhibited there are screening tests that can be done to further conclude the diagnosis of Major Depression. Nobody is immune from this, but it is reported that women are more prone to get this form of depression compared to men.
Three symptoms to watch for are 
  1. Fatigue or Lack of Energy.
  2. Trouble sleeping or the opposite to much sleep.
  3. Withdrawn, remove themselves from social activities they otherwise would attend.
There is no need to expand on these symptoms, they are self explanatory. The causes can be anywhere from a small incident that triggers an extreme response up to a chemical imbalance that triggers extreme emotional behavior. In either case this is a very serious condition that requires attention.
The most extreme way of relief is suicide. As we know many people with depression have taken this route. Pills and drugs can temporarily calm a situation like this down, but long term the drugs can actually be more harmful. To further complicate the matter the health plans of today are trimming back benefits. They are also overloaded and can't always give the individual the care needed for a depressive condition.
If you rule out a chemical imbalance for the cause then you can look at the emotional side. Somewhere HOPE was lost in the persons mind. Depression and hope are opposites. Filling the gap when someone losses hope is depression. The longer this condition is allowed to go on the deeper the roots go.
It is imperative to attack this as early as possible.
By Ric Bai 

Why You Should Take Basic Steps to Understanding Depression

The aspect of being happy is to avoid depression. Sadly, clinical depression has been one of the biggest reasons why so many people have been devoid of happiness.
Being mentally healthy is a natural state. To achieve it, you have to believe that it is within the grasp of each one of us. To accomplish true happiness, there is a need for a judicious mixture of clear thinking, hard work, humor and self-confidence.
Take a harder look at the psychological support system and ask yourself, "Why do I need help to be happy and defeat depression once and for all?" Keeping neurotic behavior is easy only if you have the knowledge about your body.
Clinical depression is not an easy illness to comprehend, let alone to manipulate. However, if you have learned how to avoid clinical depression, the payoffs of safety and security will not be a transient thing any longer. It is possible that a depressed patient take steps to improve his mental condition and eliminate self-defeating behaviors.
Self-nullifying behavior can be highly irritating because it can interfere greatly in your goals. After all, many depressed patients have already lost their interest towards their favorite activities. Taking steps to understanding depression can strike you as being repetitious. It doesn't matter. In fact, being repetitious is a good sign of effective thinking and it is the most basic method to altering self-destructive behavior. You may keep failing to understand what depression can do to you because you are already depressed. Conversely, repeat this insight again, and repeat again until you are fully determined to know what depression can do to you.
By Jerry Jason MD 

Be Proud and Take Care of Number One

Proud, to be physically able to work! Maybe one day, though, we notice we're feeling frazzled. Perhaps we're feeling heartburn, headaches, and stress, or become physically ill. Suddenly we want to scream, pushing through our exhaustion as we pretend nothing's wrong.
Even when we're doing the work we love, we can experience burnout. If we don't listen to the signals of our bodies, we can become physically ill. Even a case of the flu is a signal that our natural biological rhythms are no longer in harmony.
If we're overworking ourselves, eventually exhaustion, anger, and resentment will set in. By taking good care of ourselves, we can stay healthy and retain our joy, fun, and excitement. Following are some simple suggestions for taking care of number one:
* Periodically ask yourself, "Am I breathing fully and deeply"? When we're in a hurry our breath becomes shallow, causing knots in our stomach and starving our body of its basic need for oxygen.
* Space appointments with yourself in mind. Include down time in your schedule, and keep that appointment as you would any other.
* Avoid popping pills to sleep. Instead, spend time at the end of the workday in stillness and silence. Watching the news will not help you sleep restfully! Quiet time will help your body restore the natural rhythms disrupted by a busy day.
* Walk, don't run with fists clenched and jaws strained. Move your body in a relaxed, fluid way.
* When eating, pause to enjoy the experience. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and chew your food thoroughly to release tension in your jaws, to encourage proper enzyme intake, and to prevent acid reflux. Remember to drink plenty of pure, filtered water.
* Do nothing else while eating. Use this time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself.
* Eat healthful snacks and drinks, including some aromatic herbal teas and purchase some "real" food. Avoid refined foods with empty calories.
* If you think you need pain relievers, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, or junk food, question your own behavior. If you have "stuffed" hidden hurts and have taken on an addiction to numb your inner pain, you have piled one hurt on top of another. Decide you deserve better and make the necessary changes. Reach out for help if you need it.
* Be non-judgmental, for you see others through your own eyes. Seek and see only good; it will reflect who you are.
* Positive self-talk and an attitude of gratitude are good for the soul.
* Remember to schedule regular time for exercise, family, friends and hobbies.
* Trust yourself and life. Believe that only good is happening despite appearances. The greatest rainbows follow the worst storms.
* Set personal goals for staying healthier and be proud of keeping your promise - to yourself!
Our bodies speak in a language of feelings and sensations separate from our thoughts. Headaches might be telling us to rest, drink water, or change something that is making us unhappy. Sinus problems may indicate we are stuffing our emotions. Weak eyesight may be a sign of unhappiness about what we see in our lifestyles, or perhaps we are spending too much time in front of the computer or television.
Disease occurs when we lose contact with the body's underlying intelligence responsible for maintenance, healing, and repair. Unfortunately, the body must, at times, get our attention through pain, illness, and disease. By breaking our agreement with the body, we become ill.
In our rush and stress, has self-worth or spirituality become lost in the shuffle? Take the time to find peace and harmony within yourself. Healthy lifestyles are possible. They begin as we make the choice to nurture ourselves within so we don't compromise our health and happiness.
By Georgie 

Quick and Easy Way to Relax Instantly

Making a life free of any form of sickness is a thing of the mind hence the essence of this post, becoming free of sickness, diseases of any form of ailment begins in the mind, also developing perfect health and a fit body that can easily manage stress and will not be bordered by losing weight all start from here...  
Would you like to live a better life?  To bounce out of bed in the morning, walk with a spring in your step and wear the biggest smile on your face?    
Happiness is a choice, but many people today are consumed with negativity overload, and unfortunately the content is full of gloom. Isn't is refreshing to hear good news? Why go through life trying to live in the future when the present is waiting for your attention?
It is said that gratitude is the greatest emotion.  All too often people are reminded of what they don't have, or persuaded to feel less than whole that there life is lacking in what society reminds  'what you should have'. Take a step back and look around, begin to see with new eyes, what you have in your life that you can be grateful for.  Do you have a roof over your head? Is there a TV in your room? Are you loved by someone, even if they're far away?  
So many times the illusion of tomorrow, the 'I'll be happy when...' cheats the pleasure out of today. How many times do you worry about what may come rather than relaxing in the now? Children are great teachers and by watching a child play completely absorbed in participation, you'll witness the joy of the moment. Imagine if you were able to relax that way?    To take 'time out' and even for an hour, wallow in participation of that hour in mind and body. 
When I was a young woman and worked in the city, I'd take my lunch break outside in the nearby park. The noise was on some days was so loud yet I taught myself to shut out the city Hun completely because I wanted my awareness to be on the green of the leaves on the trees, and the journey of the ladybird climbing up my hand. You see, there is always choice, and no-one is completely embroiled into negativity unless the agree to be. Try to turn your thoughts to become grateful. The new blade of grass pushing through from under the soil doesn't know fear, it simply knows it's journey.   Likewise, know your journey and move forward as every day unfolds a new clue in the puzzle called life. Don't worry today about tomorrow, it hasn't arrived yet and the past is gone. 
Look only to the light in the distance, you're on the right path and gratitude reminds you that reassurance is not comfort but courage is the sustaining support required.
By Marqit Robson